Summary Operations


This module contains ops for generating summaries.

Summary Ops

tf.summary.tensor_summary(display_name, tensor, description='', labels=None, collections=None, name=None)

Outputs a Summary protocol buffer with a serialized tensor.proto.

The generated Summary has one summary value containing the input tensor.

  • display_name: A name to associate with the data series. Will be used to organize output data and as a name in visualizers.
  • tensor: A tensor of any type and shape to serialize.
  • description: An optional long description of the data being output.
  • labels: a list of strings used to specify how the data can be interpreted, for example:
    • 'encoding:image/jpg' for a string tensor containing jpg images
    • 'encoding:proto/X/Y/foo.proto' for a string tensor containing Foos
    • 'group:$groupName/$roleInGroup' for a tensor that is related to other tensors that are all in a group. (e.g. bounding boxes and images)
  • collections: Optional list of graph collections keys. The new summary op is added to these collections. Defaults to [GraphKeys.SUMMARIES].
  • name: An optional name for the generated node (optional).

A scalar Tensor of type string. The serialized Summary protocol buffer.

tf.summary.scalar(display_name, tensor, description='', labels=None, collections=None, name=None)

Outputs a Summary protocol buffer containing a single scalar value.

The generated Summary has a Tensor.proto containing the input Tensor.

  • display_name: A name to associate with the data series. Will be used to organize output data and as a name in visualizers.
  • tensor: A tensor containing a single floating point or integer value.
  • description: An optional long description of the data being output.
  • labels: a list of strings used to attach metadata.
  • collections: Optional list of graph collections keys. The new summary op is added to these collections. Defaults to [GraphKeys.SUMMARIES].
  • name: An optional name for the generated node (optional).

A scalar Tensor of type string. Which contains a Summary protobuf.

  • ValueError: If tensor has the wrong shape or type.

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